What can You do?


​​​​​Here are a few easy things you can do as a landowner or resident in the Town of Newmarket to help address your stormwater and have a positive effect on the environment. 

Reduce stormwater runoff from your property by:

  1. Build your own rain garden​
  2. Disconnect downspouts and sump pumps from municipal storm sewer
  3. Reduce hard surfaces and maintain green space
  4. Collect roof water for reuse via a rain barrel
  5. Attend a workshop about reducing stormwater runoff
Reduce your risk of basement flooding:
  1. Get a Rain home visit from Windfall Centre
  2. Get flood alerts in your area​​​
  3. Ensure downspouts are clear and directed away from the home
  4. Do not change or block swales between homes
  5. Ensure your catchbasin is clear of debris