2022 Reports


Municipal Office

395 Mulock Drive P.O. Box 328 Station Main, Newmarket, Ontario
L3Y 4X7

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Report Number
Date Issued
Customer Service Department Partnership – Seneca College​INFO-2022-01
​January 10, 2022
​Atkins Drive – Traffic Calming Measures
​January 21, 2022
​30 Minute Parking on Main Street
​January 21, 2022
​2022 Interim Billing​INFO-2022-04
​February 2, 2022
​Accountability and Transparency Measures 2021​INFO-2022-05
​February 2, 2022
Animal Services Program Delivery
​February 4, 2022
Customer Service Department 2021 Year End Results
​February 11, 2022
Traffic Calming Program Update - 2022
​March 9, 2022
Ontario Housing Affordability Task Force Report
​March 10, 2022
Public Art at Mulock Park Update
​March 15, 2022
2021 Q4 Investment Summary
​March 22, 2022
Statement of Remuneration and Expenses
​March 31, 2022
Ontario Regulation – Mandatory Firefighter Certification
​April 20, 2022
Customer Service Department 2022 Q1 Results
​May 16, 2022
Disconnecting From Work Policy & Procedure
​May 31, 2022
Casual Employee Resourcing Strategy
​June 3, 2022
Q1 2022 Investment Summary
​June 10, 2022
2021 Reserve and Reserve Funds Continuity
​June 10, 2022
Conclusion of the Town’s Long Standing Program Registration and Facility Booking Contract
​June 28, 2022
Connecting the GGH: A Transportation Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe
​July 29, 2022
Customer Services Department Q2, 2022 Results
​August 2, 2022
Q2 2022 Investment Summary
​August 19, 2022
Main Street Business Improvement Area Board Member Nomination Process Timing and Governance Review
​September 9, 2022
Random Acts of Downtown Shopping Impact
​September 9, 2022
Water Distribution System Updates -- AMI Deployment, Billing Vendor and Leak Detection Program
​October 6, 2022
Alternative Protection for Environmental Lands

October 26, 2022
Tennis and Downtown Parking Update
​November 10, 2022
​Customer Services Department Q3 2022 Results
​November 21, 2022
​Changes to Ontario Planning Legislation and Policy
​November 24, 2022
2022 Q3 Investment Summary
​December 2, 2022
Council’s 2018-2022 Strategic Priorities Final Report
​December 9, 2022
​Alternate Acting Mayor Schedule 2022-2026 Term of Council
​December 19, 2022
​Upcoming Choose Local Program
​December 19, 2022