Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management


Municipal Office

395 Mulock Drive P.O. Box 328 Station Main, Newmarket, Ontario
L3Y 4X7

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The Main Street District Business Improvement Area (BIA) is a non-profit, community-based organization that represents Town of Newmarket's downtown Main Street business community. The BIA works to improve and promote Main Street District Business Improvement area through investment and advocacy to maintain its position as Newmarket’s premier shopping, business, and entertainment destination.

The BIA works to promote Main Street through initiatives, which include:

  • Marketing and Promotion Activities through building awareness about downtown Newmarket as an exciting destination for shopping and entertainment; increase visitor traffic and customer expenditures through targeted advertising and promotions.
  • Business Recruitment and Retention by working to attract, retain and expand the Main Street businesses community.
  • Special Events that attract and facilitate community festivals and arts/cultural events that further position the Main Street District as a community destination. The BIA coordinates some of the Town’s most popular, large-scale street festivals and events, including Canada Day, Fall Festival, and the Christmas Candlelight Parade.
  • Seasonal Decorations with the Town’s assistance to installs seasonal displays that provide a festive and attractive atmosphere for downtown visitors.

  • Thomas Hempen
  • Allan Cockburn
  • Ken Sparks
  • Dominic Pede
  • Patricia Carmichael
  • Mike D'Angela
  • Sheila Stewart
  • Norm Pereira
  • George Karahalios
  • Councillor Bob Kwapis
Agendas and Minutes
For Agenda and Minutes visit the Agendas, Minutes and Meetings page.
Additional Information
For more information on the Main Street District Business Improvement Area, visit the Newmarket BIA website.

For more information on the Board's Terms of Reference or agendas and minutes, contact Legislative Services at 905-953-5300 or e-mail

For more information on economic development initiatives in the Town of Newmarket contact the Economic Development Officer at 905-953-5300, e-mail or visit the Economic Development page.