2019 Reports


Municipal Office

395 Mulock Drive P.O. Box 328 Station Main, Newmarket, Ontario
L3Y 4X7

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​Report Number
​Date Issued

Final Progress Report Council's 2014-2018 Strategic Priorities 

 June to December 2018 Progress Report

Office of the CAO / Innovation & Strategic Initiatives ​2019-02​March 29, 2019
2019 Interim Property Tax Billing
​Financial Services 2019-01
​January 7, 2019
​Legislation Update
​Human Resources 2019-01
​January 17, 2019
​Accessibility in 2018 Municipal Election
​Legislative Services 2019-02

January 18, 2019
Marketing the Corridors: Update on Implementation and Media Coverage
​Community Services - Economic Development and Office of the CAO - Corporate Communications 2019-01
​January 25, 2019
​Street Patio Program
​Planning and Building Services and Economic Development - PCI-19-02
​January 31, 2019
2018 York Region Employment Survey
​Community Services - Economic Development 2019-02
​February 7, 2019
Supplementary Information 2019 Operating Budget
​Financial Services 2019-03
​February 21, 2019
Supplementary Information 2019 Draft Capital Budget
​Financial Services 2019-04
​February 21, 2019
Provincially Significant Employment Zone
​​Planning and Building Services and Economic Development - PCI-19-04
​February 21, 2019
Active Transportation Implementation Plan Summary
​Engineering Services 2018-54
​March 15, 2019
Oracle Licensing Acquisition – Additional Information
​Legal and Procurement Services and Information Technology 2019-06
​March 25, 2019
Statement of Remuneration and Expenses
​Financial Services 2019-06
​March 28, 2019
Sidewalk Snow Clearing Sod Repairs
​Public Works Services 2019-02
​March 29, 2019
​Q4 2018 Municipal Administration and Management Report
​Office of the CAO/ Innovation & Strategic Initiatives 2019-01
​March 29, 2019
Development Charges Reserve Fund
​Financial Services 2019-15
​April 12, 2019
2018 Building Permit Fees
​Financial Services 2019-16
​April 12, 2019
​Asset Management - Policy Update
​Development & Infrastructure Services 2019-04
​April 23, 2019
Accountability and Transparency Measures 2018
​Legislative Services 2019-01
​May 8, 2019
2019 Community Open House Post-Event Report
​Corporate Communications 2019-02
​May 21, 2019
​Office of the CAO / 
Innovation & Strategic Initiatives 2019-03
​​May 27, 2019
2018 Newmarket Water System Non-Revenue Water Update
​Public Works Services 2019-05
​May 29, 2019
Development Milestones Document
​Planning and Building Services - PCI-19-06
​​July 17, 2019
​Guidelines for Developer-led Community Consultation
​​​Planning and Building Services - PCI-19-07
​July 17, 2019
​Community Services - Customer Services Department  
​Community Services and Customer Services - 2019-06
​July 25, 2019
​Financial Services 2019-21

July 31, 2019
Treasurer’s Statement Height and Density of Development
​Financial Services 2019-24
​July 31, 2019
​Parks and Playgrounds Improvement Public Information Centre Post-Event
​Public Works Services 2019-07
​August 6, 2019
​Planning and Building Services - PCI-19-08
​August 6, 2019
Debt Retirement - Operations Centre
​Financial Services 2019-08
​August 8, 2019
Q2 Operating, Capital, Water & Wastewater, Storm Water and Investment Summary
​Financial Services 2019-22
​August 6, 2019
Newmarket Energy Efficiency Retrofit Business Case Progress Update
​Planning & Building Services - PCI-19-08
​August 6, 2019
​Office of the CAO/
Innovation & Strategic Initiatives 2019-06
​August 16, 2019
Town-wide Mitigation Strategy-Traffic Calming Policy Public Consultation Report
​Engineering Services ES 2019-08
​September 5, 2019
Interim Control by-law 2019-04 Update
​Planning & Building Services - PCI-19-10
​September 9, 2019
Established Neighbourhoods Background Study
​Planning & Building Services - PCI-19-11
​September 11, 2019
Outdoor Skating Rinks Update
​Public Works Services 2019-09
​September 18, 2019
Council's Strategic Priorities Communications Plan
​Office of the CAO/Corporate Communications 2019-05
​September 30, 2019
Established Neighbourhoods Public Information Centre
​Planning & Building Services - PCI 19-12
​October 9, 2019
Community Services - Customer Services Department
​Customer Services
​October 22, 2019
Newmarket Public Library Effectiveness & Efficiency Review - Implementation Status Update
​Recreation & Culture, Information Technology, Newmarket Public Library
​November 5, 2019
​Q3 Operating, Capital, Water & Wastewater, Storm Water and Investment Summary Information Report
​Financial Services - 2019-26
December 6, 2019​

New Property Tax System: Implementation & Communication Plan
​Financial Services - 2019-28
​December 11, 2019
Dissolution of York Info Community Services Partnership
​Newmarket Public Library/ Community Services Commission - 2019-11
​December 11, 2019
2019 Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan
​Public Works Services 2019-14
​December 19, 2019
​2019 Budget Reconciliation
​Financial Services - 2019-29
​December 16, 2019
Ontario Cannabis Legalization Implementation Fund
​Financial Services - 2019-30
​December 18, 2019
Smoking By-law Public Education Campaign and oneyearfollowing “opting out” of Retail Cannabis Stores

​Legislative Services 2019-03
​December 23, 2019

​Legislative Services 2019-04
​December 23, 2019