Parking Fines


Municipal Office

395 Mulock Drive P.O. Box 328 Station Main, Newmarket, Ontario
L3Y 4X7

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​The following are set fines for parking infractions in the Town of Newmarket in accordance to By-Law 2024-16.

​Early Payment
​Set Penalty
​Late Payment
Interfere with Authorized Sign
​Obstruct Authorized Sign
​Park facing wrong direction
​Park more than 30cm from curb
​Fail to park parallel to curb
​Park within 9m of non-signalized intersection
​Park within 15m of signalized intersection
​Exceed posted time
​Park contrary to traffic control device
​Park causing obstruction
Park between 2:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M.
​Park on boulevard
​Park within 3m of hydrant
​Park within 152m of firefighting apparatus
​Park within 7m of fire hall entrance – same side
​Park within 30m of fire hall entrance – opposite side
​Park on a bridge
​Park within 6m of bus stop
​Park in a public laneway
​Park on a median
​Double park
​Park within turning circle
​Park displaying vehicle for sale
​Park without valid insurance
​Parked while washing or repairing vehicle
​Exceed 3 consecutive hours
​Park within 0.6m of driveway
​Park obstructing previously parked vehicle
​Park on narrow roadway
​Park alongside railway tracks
​Park causing obstruction to building
​Park within 15m of Authorized Sign intersection
​Park within 30m of traffic signal intersection
​Park within a turning basin
​Interfere with funeral procession
​Park within 15m of dead-end roadway
Park within Unauthorized Area
​Park commercial vehicle on street
​Park trailer on street
​Park within 15m of crosswalk – same side
​Park within 30m of crosswalk – opposite side
​Unauthorized parking on private property
Unauthorized parking on Town property
​Park during restricted time
​Stop within intersection
​Stop within 9m of pedestrian crossover
Stop within 9m of School Crossing Guard
​Stop causing obstruction
​Stop contrary to traffic control device
​Stop parallel to vehicle
​Stop on a bridge
​Stop within tunnel
​Stop obstructing traffic
​Stop within turning circle
​Stop within Unauthorized Area
​Park within fire route
Park contrary to No Parking sign
​Stop contrary to No Stopping sign
​Park contrary to municipal parking area
​Park in more than one space 
​Unauthorized parking in municipal parking area
​Failure to display accessible permit
​Unauthorized use of accessible permit
​Obstruct a Municipal Enforcement Officer

The following are set fines for parking infractions in York Region in accordance to By-Law 2017-37

York Region Parking Infraction
Park so as to obstruct sidewalk #3.1 (a)
​Park so as to obstruct crosswalk  #3.1 (a)
​Park so as to obstruct entrance  #3.1 (a)
​Park on highway within 3m of fire hydrant #3.1 (b)
​Park within 100 m of bridge #3.1 (c)
​Park within 9 m of non-signalized intersection #3.1 (d)
​Park within 15 m of signalized intersection #3.1 (e)
​Park within 15 m of level railway crossing #3.1 (f)
​Double Parked #3.1 (g)
​Park over 3 hour time limit #3.1 (h)
​Park so as to interfer with snow clearing #3.2
​Park withiin 100 m of an intersection on a highway #4.1 (a)
​Park in a fire route #4.1 (b)
​Park in school zone at prohibited time #4.1 (c)
​Park on wrong side of highway #5.1 (a)
​Park at improper angle #5.1 (b)
​Park on highway at a prohibited location and at a prohibited time #6.1
​Park on highway during restricted time #7.1
Stop on highway at a prohibited lcation and at a prohibited time #8.1