By-laws and Licensing


​The Town of Newmarket's By-law Enforcement team is committed to serving, protecting and providing a desired quality of life for residents and visitors. Learn more about the rules and regulations in this community.

The Town of Newmarket's By-laws department is responsible for the enforcement of the Town's By-laws.

The Town's By-law department operates on a complaint basis by following the by-law complaint process. When a complaint is received, it will be investigated and appropriate action(s) will be taken.

View our list of common by-laws for more information on by-laws in Newmarket.

How to make a complaint
​​​​​The Legislative Services department is responsible for the enforcement of the Town's regulatory by-laws and operates on a complaint basis. When a complaint is received, it is investigated​ and appropriate action is taken. 

If you have a by-law complaint, you may register your complaint by contacting the Customer Service department at 905-895-5193.  The Town keeps the identity of every complainant confidential unless the complainant has agreed to be identified.

Please remember that as a complainant, you must provide the following information when filing a complaint:
  • Name, address and telephone number Complaint location (address)
  • A satisfactory explanation of the complaint, including any details that may assist the investigating staff member
  • A summary of when and where the problem/infraction is occurring 
  • If the complaint pertains to the condition of a rental unit, details confirming that the landlord has been recently advised about the problem and that it has not been corrected.

Anonymous complaints will be given a lower priority status and acted upon immediately only if there is an immediate health and safety-related concern.

Municipal Enforcement Power of Entry
On March 27, 2017 Council passed a Power of Entry By-law. The Power of Entry By-law allows enforcement officers to enter on land at any reasonable time for the purpose of carrying out an inspection to determine if a municipal by-law for a condition of a municipal license is being complied with. 

This By-law only applies to exterior lands. An Officer may only conduct an interior inspection with the permission of an owner/occupant or by warrant/court order.